Officially labeled as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization and the state of California, glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide was first sold in 1974 and has since become the most intensively used herbicide, globally. Soaking grains in the herbicide right before harvest began back in the eighties and became standard in the nineties.
Available in a variety of chemical forms, including ammonium salt and potassium salt, glyphosate is mixed with other inert ingredients to create glyphosate-based herbicides, which include the popular Roundup products used in both agricultural fields and home gardens. Its widespread use has created tolerant and resistant weeds.
Many independent tests on a US food products have found residue levels of glyphosate. The nonprofit groups behind these tests, Food Democracy New and The Detox Project, are demanding regulatory and corporate action to address consumer safety concerns. Their report found that glyphosate was in crackers, cookies, cereals and chips in popular brands including Cheerios, Doritos, Cheetos, Special K, Kashi, Triscuit and Ritz Crackers.
Shockingly, the FDA only started testing for glyphosate in 2018. Such a high level of glyphosate found in these snack foods should alarm the public and be a wake-up call to those who want to avoid toxic food.
The lack of effective government monitoring of glyphosate had made it difficult to determine the levels of glyphosate are in our foods, and this has raised questions about how safe the chemical is.
A review of 44 scientific studies found that glyphosate exposure doubles farmers' risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Further, the incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has increased rapidly in most countries in the West over the last few decades. Statistics from the American Cancer Society show an 80% increase since the early 1970’s, when glyphosate was first introduced on the market.
This stuff isn’t good for people or for animals. Iowa State University researchers have found that heavy glyphosate use has led to an 81% decrease in the monarch butterfly population. Why? Glyphosate kills milkweed, the plant monarchs need to survive as a species. Organic agriculture chemical does not use chemical pesticides, so shifting to organic helps save the milkweed and monarch butterflies.
How can we get Roundup out of the soil, food and our bodies? We need to go glyphosate-free. And that means going organic, especially when it comes to grains and animals who eat those grains. Buy and/or grow your own organic fruits, vegetables and other food sources.